Begin forwarded message:
From: John R Macbook <>
Subject: EAA 225 April meeting, 11 April 2017
Date: April 8, 2017 at 9:27:34 PM EDT
To: John Ricciotti <>
From the president’s shop….

Spring has finally decided to arrive this week.  I’m sure that we all agree that it’s about time.  It hasn’t been a hard winter, but it’s sure been a long one.

This month’s EAA225 meeting should have some balmy weather and hopefully that will get more of our members out. We have a guest speaker this month.  Bill Beauvais, Ultralight Chapter 67 president, will have a presentation on Corvair engines for aircraft.  Specifically, he recently attended Corvair College and built up his engine.   He will have a powerpoint presentation and most likely some show and tell on the build process.  It should be quite interesting.

The meeting will not have any food provided except for what individual members would like to bring to share with the chapter.  The chief cook, John Ricciotti, will be traveling to Thailand and will miss the meeting.  Of course, if someone would like to get the grill from my hangar, they are welcome to cook for the chapter.

By the time the meeting takes place Sun N Fun will be finished up.  It looked like a hot but beautiful Sun N Fun year.  Any members who attended are welcome to give the chapter a recap at this meeting or during our May meeting.

Well that’s it for now.  I hope many can make the meeting as the topic will be quite interesting.  The meeting is this coming Tuesday, April 11th.  Meeting starts at 7:00PM and come early to socialize.  Bill said he is planning to be there at about 6:30PM.  If any of our newer members need to get through the gate please contact Gerry Peterson at (603)512-2356.

Happy building and safe flying!
John Ricciotti